Hi, I’m Andrew James Steinmetz! Welcome to my personal website where I share my projects, blogs, and research in physics. I’m a Global Professor in the Department of Physics at The University of Arizona, with a role at the Arizona College of Technology at the Hebei University of Technology in Tianjin, China. My work focuses on βš› quantum mechanics, 🌌 cosmology, and 🧲 electromagnetism.

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The name of this blog β€œβ€¦ a stubbornly persistent illusion.” comes from Albert Einstein, who upon hearing of his dear friend Michele Besso’s passing, wrote a letter to Besso’s family which ended on the hopeful note:

β€œNow he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

If causality is truly the principle of physics we believe it so, then the past will always be with us, as it determines the future. If time is fully merged with spatial dimensions as Special Relativity suggests, then the past is never gone. It is merely an address to a street we can no longer travel to.