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Andrew James Steinmetz, Ph.D.
- Email: ajsteinmetz@arizona.edu
- Faculty Page: https://w3.physics.arizona.edu/person/andrew-steinmetz
- Website: https://ajsteinmetz.github.io/
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5474-2649
Employment and Positions
Position | Department | Institution | Dates |
Global Professor | Department of Physics | The University of Arizona | Nov. 2023 – Present |
Global Professor | Arizona College of Technology | Hebei University of Technology | Feb. 2024 – Present |
Adjunct Faculty | Physics & Astronomy Department | Pima Community College | June 2020 – Dec. 2023 |
Graduate Teaching Assistant | Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry | The University of Arizona | Aug. 2019 – May 2023 |
Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant | Department of Physics | The University of Arizona | Jan. 2015 – May 2020 |
Degree | Field | Institution | Dates |
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) | Physics | The University of Arizona | 2015 – 2023 |
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Physics | The University of Arizona | 2009 – 2014 |
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Chemical Engineering | The University of Arizona | 2009 – 2014 |
Research Interests
Advancing relativistic spin dynamics and anomalous magnetic dipole moments within quantum and classical frameworks. Researching the role of matter-antimatter interactions in cosmic magnetism. Developing novel asymptotic expansions for Fermi-Dirac integrals in extreme conditions, contributing to statistical mechanics in astrophysics, quark-gluon plasma, and cosmology.
Additional interests include analyzing the dynamics of charged particles with magnetic moments in electromagnetic fields and investigating radiation reaction. Integrating theoretical analysis with computational modeling to advance understanding of quantum systems and cosmological phenomena.
- Title: Modern Topics in Relativistic Spin Dynamics and Magnetism
- Committee: Dr. Johann Rafelski (Chair), Dr. Shufang Su (Member), Dr. John Rutherfoord (Member), Dr. Stefan Meinel (Member), Dr. Sean Fleming (Member)
- HDL: http://hdl.handle.net/10150/670301
Journal Publications
- Rafelski, J., Birrell, J., Grayson, C., Steinmetz, A., Yang, C. T. “Quarks to Cosmos: Particles and Plasma in Cosmological evolution.” In press EPJ ST (2024). 10.48550/arXiv.2409.19031
- Birrell, J., Formanek, M., Steinmetz, A., Yang, C. T., Rafelski, J. “Fermi-Dirac Integrals in Degenerate Regimes: Novel Asymptotic Expansion.” Int J Theor Phys 63, 163 (2024). 10.1007/s10773-024-05695-8
- Rafelski, J., Steinmetz, A. & Yang, C. T. “Dynamic fermion flavor mixing through transition dipole moments.” IJMPA 38.31 (2023): 2350163. 10.1142/S0217751X23501634
- Steinmetz, A., Yang, C. T. & Rafelski, J. “Matter-antimatter origin of cosmic magnetism.” Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023): 123522. 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.123522
- Rafelski, J., Birrell, J., Steinmetz, A. & Yang, C.T. “A Short Survey of Matter-Antimatter Evolution in the Primordial Universe.” Universe 9.7 (2023): 309. 10.3390/universe9070309
- Formanek, M., Steinmetz, A. & Rafelski, J. “Motion of classical charged particles with magnetic moment in external plane-wave electromagnetic fields.” Phys. Rev. A 103.5 (2021): 052218. 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.052218
- Formanek, M., Steinmetz, A. & Rafelski, J. “Radiation reaction friction: Resistive material medium.” Phys. Rev. D 102.5 (2020): 056015. 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.056015
- Formanek, M., Steinmetz, A. & Rafelski, J. “Classical neutral point particle in linearly polarized EM plane wave field.” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61.8 (2019): 084006. 10.1088/1361-6587/ab242e
- Steinmetz, A., Formanek, M. & Rafelski, J. “Magnetic dipole moment in relativistic quantum mechanics.” Eur. Phys. J. A 55, 40 (2019). 10.1140/epja/i2019-12715-5
- Formanek, M., Evans, S., Rafelski, J., Steinmetz, A. & Yang, C. T. “Strong fields and neutral particle magnetic moment dynamics.” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60.7 (2018). 10.1088/1361-6587/aac06a
- Rafelski, J., Formanek, M. & Steinmetz, A. “Relativistic dynamics of point magnetic moment.” Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018): 1-12. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5493-2
Links to publications, if available, are provided.
Book Chapters
- Rafelski, J., Steinmetz, A. & Yang, C. T. “Dynamic Flavor Mixing Through Transition Moments.” Harald Fritzsch Memorial Volume, pp. 269-284 (2024). 10.1142/9789811292279_0015
Works in Progress
- Steinmetz, A. & Rafelski, J. “Magnetized primordial quark-gluon plasma.” In preparation (2025).
- Steinmetz, A., Evans, S., Formanek, M., Grayson, C., Labun, L., Price, W., Rafelski, J. “Strong fields in classical and quantum physics review.” In preparation (2025).
- Steinmetz, A., Yang, C. T. & Rafelski, J. “Electromagnetic field forcing of dynamic CP-violation in lepton sector.” In preparation (2025).
- Steinmetz, A., Evans, S. “Anomalous magnetic moment in the QCD vacuum.” In preparation (2025).
Invited Presentations and Talks
- Title: Quarks to Cosmos: Particles and Plasma in Cosmological Evolution. Event: XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference. (Speaker: Dr. Jan Rafelski) Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Date: August 21, 2024
- Title: Primordial Cosmic Magnetism Event: SMT 30th Anniversary Steward Observatory Symposium. Location: The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Date: September 22, 2023
- Title: Magnetism in the Cosmic Plasma Epoch Event: ELI-Beamlines Strong Fields Frontiers. Location: The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC, Prague, Czech Republic. Date: June 13, 2023
- Title: Magnetism in the Cosmic Plasma Epoch Event: Margaret Island Symposium on Particles and Plasmas. Location: Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary. Date: June 8, 2023
- Title: Relativistic Two-Body Quantum Mechanics Event: Grad Talk. Location: The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Date: March 2017
Teaching Experience (as Instructor-of-Record)
Course # | Course Title | Delivery Method | # of Sections | # of Students | Institution | Semester |
PHYS 321 | Theoretical Mechanics | In-person | 2 | 139 | UA/ACT | Fall 2024 |
PHYS 382 | Methods in Exp. Physics II** | In-person | 2 | 46 | UA/ACT | Fall 2024 |
ENGR 498A | Senior Design/Capstone** | In-person | 1 | 43 | UA/ACT | Fall 2024 |
PHYS 240 | Intro. Electricity & Magnetism | In-person | 3 | 203 | UA/ACT | Spring 2024 |
PHYS 381 | Methods in Exp. Physics I** | In-person | 2 | 50 | UA/ACT | Spring 2024 |
AST 101IN | The Solar System | Online | 2 | 40 | PCC | Fall 2023 |
AST 101IN | The Solar System | Online | 1 | 17 | PCC | Spring 2023 |
PHY 122IN | Intro. Physics II | Virtual | 1 | 26 | PCC | Spring 2023 |
AST 101IN | The Solar System | Online | 1 | 15 | PCC | Fall 2022 |
PHYS 216IN | Intro. Electricity & Magnetism | In-person | 1 | 18 | PCC | Summer 2022 |
AST 101IN | The Solar System | Virtual | 1 | 17 | PCC | Fall 2021 |
PHY 122IN | Intro. Physics II | Virtual | 1 | 28 | PCC | Fall 2021 |
AST 101IN | The Solar System | Virtual | 1 | 18 | PCC | Spring 2021 |
AST 101IN | The Solar System | Virtual | 1 | 24 | PCC | Fall 2020 |
PHY 121IN | Intro. Physics I | Online | 1 | 25 | PCC | Fall 2020 |
** First time offered at this institution. Designed, developed, and delivered curriculum.
- UA: The University of Arizona
- ACT: Arizona College of Technology, Hebei University of Technology
- PCC: Pima Community College
- IN: Integrated Lecture and Laboratory
Public Outreach and Press
- World Scientific Publishing. (2025, January 9). World Scientific Publishing on LinkedIn: 🎉 The International Journal of Modern Physics A (IJMPA) celebrates 40 Years… LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/world-scientific-publishing_the-international-journal-of-modern-physics-activity-7282999555967610880-SJ78
- Steinmetz, A. (2024, November 7). Proving that SU(2) is compact (and other group theory bits). Persistent Illusion. https://ajsteinmetz.github.io/mathematics/2024/11/07/su2-compactness.html
- Steinmetz, A. (2024, October 17). Einstein’s mass-energy and kinetic energy. Persistent Illusion. https://ajsteinmetz.github.io/physics/2024/10/17/kinetic-energy-coefficient.html
- Steinmetz, A. (2024, October 16). Can we ever detect the graviton? Persistent Illusion. https://ajsteinmetz.github.io/physics/2024/10/16/graviton-detector.html
- The University of Arizona, Department of Physics. (2024, January 26). Announcing Department of Physics new Faculty Member Prof. Andrew Steinmetz. UA Science Physics. https://w3.physics.arizona.edu/news/announcing-department-physics-new-faculty-member-prof-andrew-steinmetz
- The University of Arizona, Department of Physics. (2023, July 25). International Symposium on “Particles and Plasmas” and “Strong Fields.” UA Science Physics. https://w3.physics.arizona.edu/news/international-symposium-particles-and-plasmas-and-strong-fields
- Springer. (2018, January 29). Relativity matters: Two opposing views of the magnetic force reconciled. Phys.org. https://phys.org/news/2018-01-relativity-opposing-views-magnetic.html
- Also published in: EPJ C Highlight, Springer Press, ScienceDaily, EuroPhysicsNews, EurekAlert!, Science Newsline, Sky Nightly, Space Daily.
Other Links and Websites
- GitHub: https://github.com/ajsteinmetz
- INSPIRE-HEP: https://inspirehep.net/authors/1796313
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fJBK1GIAAAAJ
- arXiv: https://arxiv.org/a/steinmetz_a_1.html
- AstroBin: https://www.astrobin.com/users/djinn/
- BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/ajsteinmetz.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajsteinmetz/